Monday, 1 April 2013

Getting it straight in my head...

  • Dan Hettmannsperger III

    The only barrier to the source is ourselves....
  • Chrissy Newbury

    Then we must strive to overcome the barrier... open our hearts to the cosmos... and to each other.
  • Dan Hettmannsperger III

    " love.....who is one with all vines, flowers, forests and live....."
  • Chrissy Newbury

    Drive out the darkness and let the light in...
  • Dan Hettmannsperger III

    Extending the metaphor....
    I wonder, so you think Christians and other monotheists are those poor wretched merged with the wall....who imagine they've found supreme truth and instead have a comforting one who might mistake the skin of an apple for the apple as a whole?
  • Chrissy Newbury

    I actually do. I really think you could be so right!!
    I think you should post that 
  • Dan Hettmannsperger III

    Because in the comics....those who merge with the Source Wall are trapped....stuck as it were....and Monotheists seem "trapped" within the cage of their belief-system....
    It seems to fit doesn't it?
  • Chrissy Newbury

    I certainly does. It's such a simple, yet true, way of looking at it. It just seems so obvious...!
  • Dan Hettmannsperger III

    I think....and I know you agree with me on this....that this is why it is important for us to be courageous and questions our assumptions.
    I certainly encourage you in your private moments to do so with the Dhama.
    I have for years. 
    <<wonders what you're thinking...
  • Chrissy Newbury

    Yes. At the moment I am learning so much. But it's a bit of a jumble in my head. I need to take a step back maybe and try to look at things individually. That's why I think it's important for me to talk to you 'in person'. You have a way of explaining things that makes it all so simple...
  • Chrissy Newbury

    Plus, just listening to your voice puts me in a calm and receptive mood...
  • Dan Hettmannsperger III

     Well I do my best.
    Did you currently have any Buddhist-oriented questions?
  • Chrissy Newbury

    You do wonderfully!
    Not specifically. I just need to get thing straight in my head. Like I confuse Dharma with Dukkha.. and Samsara.
  • Dan Hettmannsperger III

    Dukkha=First Noble Truth.
    The word Dharma has two meanings depending on context.
    Most of the time just means "The Teachings of the Buddha".
    Less often but no less important it means "Truth".
    What kind of truth?
    A: That which is SELF-EVIDENT.
  • Dan Hettmannsperger III

    So....2+2=4 is a Dharma.
    E=MC^2 is a Dharma
    My love for you, is a Dharma. 
  • Chrissy Newbury

    I see now 
  • Dan Hettmannsperger III

    Now here is where it gets really interesting:
    Is "God" a Dharma?
  • Chrissy Newbury

    Well, it can't be proven if that's what you mean...
    I would say 'no'..
  • Dan Hettmannsperger III

    "God" is a metaphysical speculation....and ALL metaphysical speculations are NOTconsidered Dharma.
    "Heaven" is not a Dharma.
    "Soul" is not a Dharma.
    "Angels" are not Dharma.
  • Chrissy Newbury

    I understand. Thank you, my teacher.
    "You are so patient with me.."
  • Dan Hettmannsperger III

    You are a wonderful leafy tree absorbing the full sunshine of the truth.
  • Chrissy Newbury

    <<< blushes...
  • Dan Hettmannsperger III

    ....and lastly....
    Samsara is the phenomenal world as perceived by those who lack insight....this is the Ocean of Birth and Death.
    Ever heard that expression "the World I what you make it?"
  • Chrissy Newbury

    Yes I have... many times.
  • Dan Hettmannsperger III

    Do you agree with it?
  • Chrissy Newbury

    I do agree with it. You can't expect the world to come to you, you must at the very least meet it half way.
  • Dan Hettmannsperger III

    Those who see the world as they WANT IT TO BE are really living in Samsara.....
    To see true-reality-as-it-is...that is Nirvana.
  • Chrissy Newbury

    “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.”
  • Dan Hettmannsperger III

    Do you see the cloud?
  • Chrissy Newbury

    "I see the cloud."
  • Dan Hettmannsperger III

    You already understand.
  • Chrissy Newbury

    <<< feels light... 
  • Dan Hettmannsperger III

    When I sense my own own bitterness at's dark tendrils wrapping around my psyche in unguarded moments I know that I am being dragged down into Samsara....
    When I see large numbers of people like makes me concerned.
    The Mass-deluded....
  • Chrissy Newbury

    Yes... the world is being pulled down by their own bitter and twisted demons... I feel that all the time.
  • Dan Hettmannsperger III

    So....what is the solution?
  • Chrissy Newbury

    Until everyone individually can recognise those demons as being 'the self'.. and deal with them, there is no ready solution...
  • Dan Hettmannsperger III

    Bodhidharma felt the only way to save the world was to sit and stare at a stone wall inside a cave for 9 years.
    You just answered the question.
  • Chrissy Newbury

    I understand...
  • Dan Hettmannsperger III

    <<Acknowledges your achievement and bows.
  • Chrissy Newbury

    <<< bows and thanks you for helping me to understand.
  • Dan Hettmannsperger III

    How do you feel?
  • Chrissy Newbury

    My headache is passing. I feel... 'smiley'. And light. Like a weight has been lifted.

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